Hydrometeorological scientific research

institute at Uzhydromet

International scientific-practical conference on “The role of modern geo-informational cartography, remote sensing methods and technologies in geographic research”

On April 24-26, the Research Institute of Hydrometeorology took an active part in the International scientific-practical conference on the topic “The role of modern geo-informational cartography, remote sensing methods and technologies in geographic research” at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulug’bek. The topics of the participants of the conference are issues of […]

International conference on “The impact of the drying of the Aral Sea on the Environment”, held at the Central Asian University for the Study of the Environment and Climate Change (Green University)

On April 22, 2024, HSRI staff took an active part in the International Conference “Environmental impact of the Aral Sea land” held at the Central Asian University for the study of Environment and Climate Change (Green university). Scientific staff of the Institute at the conference T.Akhmedova “Vetlandi of the Aral Sea region — Bas-relief”, N.Sulaymanova […]

An event was held at HSRI dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Lidia Mikhailovna Karandaeva, candidate of technical sciences, an experienced specialist in the field of hydrology and glaciology

Lidiya Mikhailovna Karandaeva graduated from Tashkent State University (now National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek) in June 1977, received a qualification as a mathematician and was assigned to SANIGMI (now NIGMI Research Hydrometeorological Institute). She began her career in the glaciology department of the NIGMI as an engineer, junior researcher in the laboratory […]

The event dedicated to the World Meteorologist’s Day…

A holiday event dedicated to the World Meteorologist’s Day was held at the Hydrometeorology Research Institute. Scientific staff of the institute and doctoral students took part in the event. During the event, it was discussed how important the hydrometeorological service is for various branches of the national economy and the researches conducted by the specialists […]

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation defense of Sherzod Shukhratovich Zaitov

Zaitov Sherzod Shukhratovich 11.00.04 – Meteorology. Climatology. Defense of the thesis written for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geography on the topic “Monitoring the dynamics of pasture plants in the desert and semi-desert regions of Uzbekistan under the conditions of climate change using remote sensing data” .27/30.12.2019.Gr.47.01 will be held at the […]