Hydrometeorological scientific research

institute at Uzhydromet

Article formatting requirements

“Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring” scientific journal of the Hydrometeorological Research Institute of the Hydrometeorological Service Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzhydromet)

Founder: Hydrometeorological Service Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzhydromet).

The purpose of the scientific journal is to cover the problems and achievements of hydrometeorology science, its practical application, as well as environmental pollution monitoring in Uzbekistan and the world.

Responsibilities: periodic publication of scientific articles, reviews of important information related to the field, as well as information on the life and activities of famous scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of this field of science within the Meteorology, Hydrology, Environmental Monitoring, Reviews and Memory sections.

Current problems of meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology and applied meteorology in the department of meteorology, in particular, synoptic and numerical methods of weather forecasting, global climate change, its consequences and adaptation, methods of forecasting the yield of agricultural crops, hazardous hydrometeorological processes, biometeorology, aviation and space meteorology , scientific articles devoted to the research of GAT technologies, active influence on atmospheric processes in meteorology are published.

In the department of hydrology, land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry and current issues studied in them, in particular, the conditions of the formation of river flows, water erosion and river discharges, river flow dynamics and river bed processes, flood flows and their forecasting, glaciology and snow cover monitoring, hydrological of water bodies and hydrochemical regime, groundwater hydrology, hydrological calculations and forecasts, statistical methods and mathematical modeling in hydrology, hazardous hydrometeorological processes, GAT technologies in hydrology, hydrology of irrigated lands, and flow formed in collector-drainage and its mineralization.

In the Department of Environmental Monitoring, monitoring of the state of the atmosphere, surface water and soil and their pollution, including chemical and radioactive pollution of natural environments, hydrobiological monitoring, assessment of the impact of pollution on natural and socio-economic systems, methods of assessing and forecasting global changes in the biosphere, environment scientific and practical research works aimed at increasing the efficiency of monitoring of the state and pollution, modeling of biogeochemical cycles of substances in ecosystems will take place.

In the comments section, the issues of providing hydrometeorological services to the economic sectors of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the practical use of modern achievements of science are covered. Also, within the scope of the department, dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena that cause emergency situations or cause significant damage to the population and the economy, and extremely high levels of environmental pollution, new tools and methods of hydrometeorological observation and measurements, modern data processing technologies, and new scientific literature published worldwide. atlases and reference books, information on international conferences and conventions are reviewed.

In the memorial section, biographical information on the life and work of famous scientists who made a great contribution to the development of hydrometeorological service and science in Uzbekistan is published.

The scientific journal “Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring” is intended for hydrometeorological scientists and practitioners, higher educational institutions and research institutions, ministries and agencies that use hydrometeorological data and are involved in environmental protection.

“Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring”

requirements for articles published in a scientific journal

I. General rules

The scientific journal “Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring” publishes theoretical, practical and methodological articles in Uzbek, Russian and English languages ​​aimed at highlighting the researches and their practical application in the field of hydrometeorology in our republic and the world. Short papers, reports on large-scale scientific events, and book reviews are also accepted for publication. The materials submitted for publication must meet the official requirements of the journal, undergo expert review and receive a recommendation for publication at the meeting of the editorial board of the journal. The decision to publish is made based on the scientific importance and relevance of the submitted materials. Articles rejected by the editors will not be accepted and will not be returned to the author.

The text of the article consists of the title, information about the author(s) and the main part, acknowledgments and references. The main part should include the following sections: abstract and keywords (in Uzbek, Russian and English), introduction, research object and subject, primary data and research methods, main results, discussion, conclusions.

Along with the text of the article, an expert opinion (with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization) is submitted to the editors.

II. Guidelines for formatting the text of the article

Title: The first page of the article should show the index of the Universal Decimal Classification of the UDC (placed on the left side above the title of the article). Search engines often use clear and concise titles. Therefore, as far as possible, it is not recommended to use abbreviations and formulas in the title.

Name of the author(s) and their organizations: Full information about all the authors involved in the preparation of the article is provided. The first and last name of the author(s) are written in capital letters. Author(s) F.I.Sh. a numerical link to the work of each author is placed in the given line. The following lines indicate the name of the organization or institution where each author works, and their full postal address, corresponding to the numerical link. An asterisk indicates a footer link and e-mail address to the author responsible for correspondence during the publication process and beyond.

Abstract: The purpose of the study and the method(s) used, main results and conclusions should be briefly stated. The use of links, non-standard or rarely used abbreviations is not recommended, as the abstract of the article is in most cases presented separately from its main text. Russian and English versions of the abstract are given after the list of references.

Keywords: 6 to 10 keywords directly related to the topic of the article. It is not recommended to use general, ambiguous terms and concepts.

Introduction: Sufficient information is presented to reveal the essence of the scientific research carried out. The importance, purpose and method(s) of the research, references to relevant sources, especially works published in recent years, are indicated and brief comments are given.

Research object and subject, primary data and research methods: The research area or the natural conditions where the experiment was carried out, the materials and methods used, as well as the main results of the research are presented. Sufficient details are provided to enable the case to be substantiated. Previously published methods should be referenced.

Main results: Observational and experimental results are presented and their significance is not explained when comparing the results. Results must be clear and concise.

Discussion: The significance of all results obtained within the study(s) is explained without repeating the text of the previous section. Each hypothesis/hypothesis is shown to be either supported or not supported without confidence. Suggestions for future research directions or improvements to existing research are made.

Conclusions: The main conclusions of the study are presented as part of a stand-alone or discussion section.

Contribution of authors: The editors recommend that the authors cover their personal contributions in the scientific article using the international CRediT rules. More information and a sample can be found at the following link: https://www.elsevier.com/authors/journal-authors/policies-and-ethics/credit-author-statement

Acknowledgments: Where appropriate, this section includes information on the grant under which the research was performed, organizations that funded the research, and/or individuals who assisted in the performance of the research or the preparation of the article.

References: The list of references used in the preparation of the article is given. Attention is paid to the bibliography of each reference given in the text.

III. Technical requirements for formalizing the text of the article

The text of the article should be written on standard A4 paper with 1.5 line spacing. Each page should have a margin of 2 cm from the top and bottom, 3 cm from the left, 1.5 cm from the right, a paragraph of 1.27 cm and should be uniform.

When printing the text on a computer, it is recommended to use the text editor “Microsoft Word” in “Times New Roman” 14 size font.

The total length of the article (including the list of references, tables and figures) should not exceed 16 pages in A4 format. Articles exceeding the specified size may be published with an editorial summary. The calculation expressions presented in the text are numbered in an organic sequence according to the article. Only expressions referenced in the text are numbered. Numbers are written in parentheses to the right of the line where the expression is written (1, 2, and hash).

In the list of literature, literature in Uzbek (Cyrillic alphabet) and Russian language is listed first, then in English (or Uzbek literature in Latin alphabet). The list of references is arranged first in alphabetical order, and then in chronological order based on the accepted standard. In the references cited in the text of the article, the author and the year of publication are indicated in square brackets. Reference groups should be listed first chronologically, then alphabetically [Ivanov, 2007; Petrov and dr., 2008; Geography…, 2010]. Annotation and keywords in Russian (or Uzbek) and English languages ​​are placed after the bibliography. Then, the English translation of the Uzbek and Russian literature listed in the bibliography is given. In the translation, only the title of the article is given in English, and other information in the literature is written in the Latin alphabet.

IV. Guidelines for creating tables, figures, and graphs

Tables should be filled in on A4 standard paper with 1.5 line spacing and when printing the text on a computer, in “Times New Roman” 12 size font, using the Microsoft Word text editor. They are numbered in the order of recording in Arabic numerals. The table name is written after the number. All columns in tables must have headings and be separated by vertical bars.

Excessive details and inscriptions are not given in the pictures (it is recommended to replace the inscriptions with numbers or letters, their explanations are given in the captions of the pictures or in the text).

Lines on graphs should be clearly visible (5-6 pixels). The width of the drawings should not exceed 180 mm, and the height should not exceed 240 mm. Markings and numbers when drawing up graphs should be in Times New Roman font size 9-10. Image captions are in 12-point font, spaced 1.5 lines apart.

It is planned to include the journal in the list of prestigious journals indexed in international databases such as RINTs and Scopus in the near future. For this purpose, the names of tables, diagrams, pictures and graphs presented in the article should be written in Russian and English for articles written in Uzbek (in English for articles written in Russian).

V. An example of formalizing a list of references


Аgalьtseva N.А., Pak А.V., Novikova V.А. Gidrologicheskaya zasuxa v Uzbekistane, analiz prichin i vozmojnosti prognozirovaniya // Trudы nauchno-issledovatelьskogo gidrometeorologicheskogo instituta, 2010. –Tashkent. Vыp. 12(257). –S. 55-63.

Vladimirov А.M. Stok rek v malovodnыy period goda. – L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. –295 s.

Kalendarь tipov sinopticheskix protsessovSredneyАzii.Vыp.4/Podred.S.I.Inogamovoy.– Tashkent:NIGMI,2013.–82s.

Rasulov А.R., Xikmatov F.X., Аytboev D.P. Gidrologiya asoslari. –Toshkent: Universitet, 2003. –327 b.

Hikmatov F.H., Turgʼunov D.M. Togʼ daryolarida kam suvli yillar, ularning meʼyori va kam suvlilikning chuqurlashuvi masalalari // OʼzMU xabarlari. Tabiiy fanlar. –Toshkent, № 3/1. 2017. – B. 330-335.

Dracup J.A., Lee K.S., Paulson E.G. On the statistical characteristics of drought events // Water Resour. Res. 1980. № 16 (2). –PP. 289-296.

Van Loon A.F., Van Lanen H.A.J. A process-based typology of hydrological drought // Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2012. № 16(7). –P. 1915-1946.http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hess-16-1915-2012.

Elektron resurs:

EDB(EurasianDevelopmentBank):ImpactofClimateChange towaterresourcesin CentralAsia,Almaty,Kazakhstan,44p.[Elektronnыy resurs] URL:http://www.vinokurov.info/assets/files/EDB%20Report%206%20climate%20eng.pdf, 2009 (dataobraщeniya 20.01.2019).


Agaltseva N.A., Pak A.V., Novikova V.A. Gidrologicheskaya zasukha v Uzbekistane, analiz prichin i vozmozhnosti prognozirovaniya [Hydrological drought in Uzbekistan, analysis of the causes and the prospects of forecasting] // Trudy nauchno-issledovatelskogo gidrometeorologicheskogo instituta, 2010. Tashkent: Vol. 12(257). –PP. 55-63. (InRussian)

Kalendar tipov sinopticheskikh protsessov Sredney Azii[Calendar of the types of synoptic processes of MiddleAsia] Vol. 4 /Pod red. S.I. Inogamovoy. Tashkent: NIGMI, 2013. –82 p. (In Russian)

Khikmatov F.K., Turgunov D.M. Tog daryolarida kam suvli yillar, ularning me’yori va kam suvlilikning chuqurlashuvi masalalari [Low-water years on mountain rivers, problems of calculating their standard characteristics and extension parameters] // OzMU xabarlari. Tabiiy fanlar.Toshkent, No 3/1. 2017. –PP. 330-335. (In Uzbek)

Rasulov A.R., Khikmatov F.K., Aytboyev D.P. Gidrologiya asoslari [The basics of hydrology]. Toshkent: Universitet, 2003. –327 p. (In Uzbek)

Vladimirov A.M. Stok rek v malovodnyy period goda [River runoff during the low-flow period of the year] L.: Gidrometeoizdat. 1976. –295 p. (In Russian)

Web resources:

EDB(EurasianDevelopmentBank):ImpactofClimateChange to water resources in Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 44 p. [Elektronniy resurs] URL: http://www.vinokurov.info/assets/files/EDB%20Report%206%20climate%20eng.pdf, 2009 (access data 20.01.2019)

Plagiarism check

The originality of manuscripts of articles submitted before publication in the scientific journal “Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring” is checked. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors agree to have their manuscript checked for plagiarism.

VII. Procedure for acceptance of articles

All materials are sent to the editors online (not exceeding 10 Mb) via the following link https://nigmi.uz/en/submit-an-article/

Communication with the authors is carried out by e-mail.

The scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal are given by the journal editors to experts in the field responsible for the areas for review.

Scientific articles with a positive review will be published in the new issue of the scientific journal.

Scientific articles with serious flaws in the review are returned to their authors for revision based on the comments of experts, and after the flaws are eliminated, they are re-registered for publication.

Scientific articles that do not correspond to the scientific directions of the journal will not be published and will not be returned to the author.