Laboratories of mathematical modeling of hydrological processes and water resources, research directions:

Development of new mathematical models of hydrological processes and improvement of existing ones.

Methodical guidance and control of the application of the developed methods of hydrological forecasts;

Processing data from hydrological stations, researching the hydrological regime of the rivers of the Aral Sea basin and preparing analytical materials for the Uzgidromet on the hydrological regime and resources of surface waters

According to the instructions of the Uzgidromet, the state provides assistance in maintaining water cadastre and water accounting in the distribution of surface water in river basins.

Assist in the preparation of annual data on surface water resources describing the hydrological situation in the territory of Uzbekistan, references, bulletins, comments and other general materials for publication.

Contributes to the preparation of hydrological observations of Uzgidromet for publication

It helps to coordinate works related to opening, closing, moving and repairing hydrological stations.

Laboratory tasks:

– Long-term forecasts and calculations of river flows in the Aral Sea basin;

-Assessment of the current and future state of water resources of the rivers of Uzbekistan using different climate scenarios;

-Early warning about the occurrence of water scarcity and drought in the rivers of the Aral Sea basin, the areas of formation and distribution of currents;

– Taking into account the flow of hydrological objects of the Uzgidromet observation network;

Creation of water cadastre of the Republic of Uzbekistan.