Meteorological observations in Tashkent have been carried out since December 1867. From March 1870, the newspaper “Turkestanskie vedomosti” (Tashkent) began to publish weather and meteorological information. Since 1873, the Tashkent Observatory of Astronomy and Physics began to operate. In September 1876, the Tashkent observatory meteorological station was opened and is still working.

The official establishment date of Uzbekistan’s hydromechanism is May 7, 1921. Since 1931, the Hydrometeorological Service has been regularly conducting both meteorological and hydrological observations. In 1992, Hydrometeorology received the legal status of the General Directorate of Hydrometeorology (Boshgidromet) under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Starting from April 2004, the Bosh Hydromet was reorganized as the Hydrometeorological Service Center (Uzgidromet) under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The structure of the Research Institute of Hydrometeorology under Uzgidromet is as follows:

Structure of the institute