The laboratory for the research of dangerous hydrological phenomena (LRDHP) is a component of the hydrology department of HSRI. The main tasks of LRDHP include the implementation of scientific grants and programs for the research of the hydrological regime associated with climate change and dangerous hydrological phenomena.

In the context of adaptation to climate change and its negative consequences, the main tasks of the institute are as follows:

• development and improvement of scientific methods for monitoring and processing hydrometeorological data, as well as forecasting dangerous hydrometeorological events;

• development and creation of early warning systems for dangerous hydrological events;

• development and implementation of innovative research projects on monitoring and processing of hydrometeorological data, improvement of methods of risk assessment of hydrometeorological events and possible changes in the regional climate.

LRDHP provides methodological support to operational units of Uzgidromet in the following matters:

• processing hydrological information and providing methodological support to Uzgidromet units in preparing hydrological forecasts and warnings about dangerous hydrological events.

• ensuring the operation of a rapid system of warning and warning about the occurrence of dangerous natural (hydrological) events.

• hydrological provision of work related to the elimination of the consequences of accidents, disasters, natural disasters and other emergency situations in the service area.

• Organizing and holding events (meetings, courses, internships) on improving the skills of specialists of Uzgidromet and network units.

Field of use:

• to ensure the activity and development of the state system for monitoring hydrological processes, as well as the collection, processing, recording, storage and distribution of information on the hydrological regime of rivers, lakes and water bodies in the territory of Uzbekistan .

• providing state authorities and management bodies, economic sectors and the population with information on the real and predicted state of hydrological conditions in the service area and some types of information products.

• Providing public authorities, residents and interested organizations of Uzbekistan with scientific-analytical hydrological information, including during the spring flood.