1. The Laboratory of Applied Climatology is part of the Research Department of the Hydrometeorology Research Institute, the Department of Climatology and Climate Change.

2. The laboratory is directly subordinated to the head of the department of climatology and climate change, as well as to the director of HSRI. The head of the laboratory stands at the head.

3. In his work, he follows the orders, plans and instructions of this Regulation, Uzgidromet and HSRI, decisions of the Scientific Council and scientific seminar.


1. To research the climate conditions in the airfield areas, to compile their climate descriptions in order to ensure the safety of civil aviation flights, and to carry out the necessary work at the airfields.

2. Development of climatic descriptions of regions for the research of climatic conditions and the design and construction of economic facilities and recreation areas of the population.

Development of climatic descriptions of regions of different administrative levels of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Their periodic renewal is related to progressive climate change.

3. To provide the republic’s state and economic organizations, civil aviation, health authorities and other interested organizations with climate information, climate descriptions and references.

4. The laboratory is developing measures to introduce the results of scientific research into the economic and cultural activities of the Republic of Uzbekistan by publishing scientific works, monographs, references, and recommendations.

5. The laboratory coordinates its activities with other departments of the department and institute, as well as with various scientific organizations and institutions.