Department of Environmental Pollution Research

Structure of the department:

Laboratory of ecological monitoring

Laboratory of research surface water quality 

The main tasks of the department

• Development of scientifically based methodology for monitoring and researching the ecological condition of natural environments;

• Improving the mechanism of the existing systems of monitoring the pollution of natural environments – optimizing the placement of checkpoints, monitoring programs, organizing a system of updated documents;

• Adaptation and attestation of accepted international documents on environmental quality assessment to the conditions of Uzbekistan;

• To carry out research related to the optimization of the control network over atmospheric air quality, including aerosols and greenhouse gases;

• Creation of a database on pollution of natural environments;

• Develop recommendations for reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment;

• Development and improvement of remote monitoring of the state of the natural environment;

• Improvement of mathematical models of aerosol transfer by air masses;

• Organization of preparatory works for publication of scientific work, monographs, methodological recommendations and guidelines;

• Providing scientific and methodological support in the organization of environmental pollution monitoring in the activities of Uzgidromet services, as well as other departments of ministries and agencies;

• Carrying out expedition work to determine the level of pollution in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

• Organizing and directly participating in scientific seminars and conferences in the areas of their activities;

• Works on optimizing the water quality monitoring system;

• Research on changes in the hydrochemical state of Uzbekistan’s rivers and development of a surface quality information-analysis system by supporting GAT technologies;

• Preparing scientific work, monographs, methodological recommendations and guidelines for publication;

• Providing scientific and methodological support in the activities of Uzgidromet services and laboratories, regions;

• Selection of water samples for conducting expedition-inspection of districts and individual places, chemical analysis;

• Organization of working with space photographs in the assessment of environmental objects;

• Development of measures to prevent and reduce pollution;

• Development of methodological approaches for assessing the ecological condition of water bodies on the example of the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system;

• Conducting studies on the assessment of the content of pollutants in ecosystem components;

• Studying the level of pollution of water bodies;

• Conduct research on the development and adaptation of remote sensing methods and technology to assess land degradation and drought vulnerability under a changing climate;

• Researching the hydrological and hydrochemical regimes of Amudarya and Syrdaryatransboundary rivers;

• Conducting chemical analyzes to assess the level of pollution of environmental objects

Field of use

• Providing Uzgidromet networks and interested ministries and agencies with scientific information on the development and improvement of complex ecological monitoring of environmental objects using modern methods (technologies GAT, space images);

• Use of the methodological developments obtained for the assessment of the quality of environmental objects in the preparation of analytical materials on the ecological state of the region, the state of development of the place for decision-making structures on environmental protection;

• Using the database created on the quality of environmental objects for the preparation of information for economic entities;

• Results on ways to improve the effectiveness of ecological monitoring are necessary in the field of natural resource management for forecasting the socio-economic development of regions, as well as in making a forecast of emergency situations and taking measures to prevent them.

• The results obtained on the stabilization and improvement of the ecosystem are used in the development of methodological recommendations for the Uzgidromet Monitoring and Operational Service Department, the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Ministries of Water and Agriculture.

• The results of the improvement of the environmental monitoring system of Tashkent are used to determine the different levels of pollution by industrial and agricultural toxicants with the use of GAT technologies.