Scientific council

Scientific council – in the presence of a leading higher education or scientific research institution with the decision of the High Attestation Commission (OAK) under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to organize the implementation of attestation events for applicants in the direction of the relevant specializations of a particular branch of science a scientific-organizational structure created to operate on a public basis for a certain period of time;

A researcher is a person who is preparing a doctoral thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc).

Dissertation is a scientific work carried out personally by the author, the essence of the research meets the relevant requirements, it has the right to manuscript, and it has the right of manuscript, as a completed and integrated scientific work in terms of its scientific novelty and practical results.

The form of post-secondary education should be established in the institution where the scientific council is being formed. The members of the Scientific Council, as a rule, should consist of at least 9 and at most 21 members. The composition of the scientific council is approved for a period of 3 years. At least 15 percent of the composition of the scientific council must be renewed every year in accordance with the established procedure.

 The scientific council uses the official letterhead of the institution where it operates and the seal with the image of the State coat of arms. Dissertations on a maximum of 4 specializations or branches of science can be accepted for defense by the Scientific Council.

Taking a qualifying exam.

Content of the scientific seminar.

The approved composition of the Academic Council for the awarding of scientific degrees in Geography.