Oleg Leonidovich Babushkin, a highly qualified specialist, scientific geographer, candidate of geographical sciences, was born in June 1944 in the city of Tashkent in the family of a famous scientific agrometeorologist, Professor Leonid Nikolayevich Babushkin. In 1970, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Tashkent State University (now UzMU), and started his career as an engineer at the Department of “Atmospheric Physics”, then as a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Reactive Flows under the same department.

In 1974-2004, the work of Oleg Leonidovich was related to NIGMI. In 1986, he successfully defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Evaluation of zoometeorological conditions of winter feeding of Karakol sheep in Uzbekistan”. Oleg Leonidovich continued his scientific research on the development of problems of zoometeorological provision of cattle breeding in Uzbekistan. According to the conditions of winter grazing of Karakol sheep, Uzbekistan has developed zooclimatic zoning of the desert-pasture area.

In 1996, under the leadership of the hero of the day, T.M. Mukhtorov defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Assessment of zooclimatic conditions during the laying and shearing period of Karakol sheep in the desert zone of Uzbekistan”.

From 2004 to 2015, Oleg Leonidovich worked as an associate professor of the Department of “Atmospheric Physics” at the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Uzbekistan, and conducted lectures and practical training for bachelors and masters of the Faculty of Physics and Geography. Under the strict leadership of Oleg Leonidovich, 14 graduation qualification and master’s theses were completed and defended, 4 educational and methodological manuals were published.

In recent years, he has been successfully working for the welfare of our country at NIGMI. The hero of the day takes an active part in the social life of the institute. He is highly respected among the institute team.

The NIGMI team congratulates Oleg Leonidovich on another important anniversary in the life of any person – his 80th birthday.